Thursday, January 18, 2007

Dixie June

I saw this boat at the Marina and was all excited to see it was from Sydney, Australia. Then Jim pointed out that it may be a joke because the name was "Dixie June" and he didnt' think it sounded very Australian. Also doubted they sailed halfway around the world in that boat... I am so gullible.

There Are Other Large Raccoons Out There!!!

Ok, Bandit isn't the only big raccoon around. When Jim and I went to his boat, we saw these tracks in the mud. Also, to give you an idea of how large, this picture was taken from a dock at least 5 feet above.... Nope, Pringles aren't the only things that cause weight gain....

Sunday, January 7, 2007

One Content Prairie Dog

I think most of you have met Woody, the Prairie Dog that is at the center. I thought this was one of the cutest pictures I have seen in a long time. He sure loves his mom, Janet.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Full Moon Scare

The picture did not turn out very well (try clicking on it) but I looked at the full moon and then glanced down and thought...what in the world? Is it true about warewolves? There is one in Charleston and it happens to live behind my house?? No worries, I forgot that in the winter months I don't shave my legs very often. Whew...

Monday, January 1, 2007

As 2006 comes to an end.....

I wanted to wish everyone a very healthy, happy and safe 2007. I can't wait until we are all together in October. I love you.

Wanted to share a picture of my new couches....

Don't know if you are interested, but wanted to show you a picture of my new couches. The color is a light sage which is hard to tell in this picture and really lightens up the room. What a great Christmas present....
Talk to you all soon.