Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Advice From Ms. TV Guide!!!

Ok, it was Monday evening after an exceptionally long day at work (I gave blood for our blood drive and was already in a dangerously weakened state). Anyway, I called mom and dad after work to see how they were doing when mom said "oh, you need to turn your TV to ETV to watch a really sweet story about dogs. It makes you feel warm and fuzzy". I then asked "You know I am very emotional about dogs these days since Max is getting older, are you sure I won't cry?" Mom (a/k/a Lizzy Borden) then replied, "oh no, it really is sweet"!

Ok, the first story is about a German Shepard named "Cracker" who was really beautiful. Well, the long and short of it - Cracker was a war dog who was sent to Viet Nam and paired with a soldier. The soldier talked about their friendship and how they protected each other and formed such a strong bond. Then the story went on about how they were deep in the jungle and were sabotaged (The same feeling I am experiencing right now by you-know-who) and Cracker took a hit and saved the life of the soldier. Even though the medics came, Cracker had to be put down in the field. Then they switch to a live interview with the soldier and he is holding the leash, which is frayed because of the shrapnel, and his little lip is quivering while he was talking about his dog. He also had to take some time to compose himself to tell the story. Meanwhile, I am now drinking my 8th glass of water today to replenish the water that I cried out last night. I was sobbing; holding Max and this is in the first 5 minutes of a half hour show. I am NOT going to go into detail about the second story, about the "seizure dog" - that will have to wait for another day. Ooops, I must run, I just looked at my watch and it is time to take my anti-depressant medication which was prescribed to me today. Love you all!


Alabama 4 said...

I,too, had to get out my tissue but not from crying about the story but from laughing so hard. The love that our family shows for each other is more than one can take. Stories such as this one is the type you can NEVER share at the office because they will send you to a therapist for many years of help!!

Mom said...

Now how did I know that by the time Jan got onto the program the touching story about Border Collies and their puppies would be over. I do admit the story of vet and his dog was sad. The one about dog able to discern the start of tremors, etc. was great and only Jan would find it devastating. Is this a case of a half full glass vs a half enpty one!! She is a sweet girl even when she takes me to task!!